Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Here's to... my BYU in Review

One of the best things about being a teacher is getting a SPRING BREAK! This week has been so nice hanging out with friends, lunch dates with Kevin, shopping, pool, and so much more! (Pictures to come soon!) As I picked up Kevin from class while driving through campus, I recalled so many good times as I saw freshman love walking back to the dorms, friends enjoying j-dawgs, and students walking home on their cell phones. It hit me that I'm finally graduating next week. It seems like I've been gone from BYU for a while now because I've been teaching since August. Our cute friend Kamille did a "BYU in Review" when she graduated and I couldn't think of a better way to take a trip down memory lane.

My Favorites
-The best roomie I could have asked for, Sidney McDonald.
-Chipman 1100 Hall... and all the fabulous friends that came with it.
-Helaman Halls & Dining Plus. (WAY too many ice cream bars and doughnuts)
-The Oasis.
-Pictures with Cosmo.
-My first apartment with none other than the best! (Natalie, Gracie, Sidney, & Lauren)
-Creamery chocolate milk.
-BYU sports (football, basketball, baseball, them all)
-Setting Ari up on hundreds of dates. (Love those double dates... especially salsa ones!)
-Living at Condo Row with some of the greatest people ever.
-Playing intramural sports and winning a T-shirt.
-Great mentor teachers.
-Singing, Bingo, and crafts at Jamestown Courtyard.

My Least Favorites
-A C+ in American Heritage. (Still hurting because of that one!)
-Walking up to campus in the bitter cold of February.
-Snow during finals week.
-That horrible embarrassing basketball game we went to at May Hall. Haha (Though I secretly loved it)

Things I'd Love to Relive
-Getting into the Elementary Ed. program.
-My first cohort in the program with McKenna, Jordan, Sarah, Brandy, and Andrea.
-Having the best girls out there as friends.
-Dating and marrying my all-time favorite person, Kevin.
-Interning as a third grade teacher at Westside Elementary.

Things I'm still laughing about
-80's night at Studio 600.
-Trying to ride the UTA for American Heritage projects.
-Freshman love.
-The ski trip at Sid's grandparents' and watching Sharon ski.
-Volunteering at the Bean Museum doing reptile shows. (Ask me anything about box turtles)
-Dance parties.
-Natalie Rowe.

I can't express how much I've loved being at BYU. I've met some of the greatest people. I've learned what it takes to be a good teacher. I've learned to always do the harder thing. I've learned to love and be gracious in everything. I've learned the importance of gratitude. I came to BYU wanting to become a teacher and am leaving as so much more.
What lies ahead... and I couldn't be more excited!


  1. Beautifully said! You are amazing and we are so proud of you and couldn't be happier that you chose Kevin out of all your possibilities (which you didn't post haha) We love you and can't wait until next week!!

  2. hahah! those are cute pictures! Except for how come i'm not in ANY?! haha just kidding.. let's hope i get in now so I can make a tribute to BYU as well ;) LOVE YOU! El. ed is SO lucky to have such a great teacher! Congrats Karen!!!
