Sunday, December 15, 2013


My sweet grandmother passed away a few days before Thanksgiving, so we flew out to Utah for the funeral. It was such a nice time being reunited with all of my family and remembering the life of this incredible woman. I am grateful for her and the time we got to spend together, especially within the last few years. She is such a great example to me and though I know I will be reunited with her again, I will miss her dearly.  

Though it was under such sad circumstances that we were gathered, it was nice to have Thanksgiving all together. It was Jason's 30th birthday as well, so we did double the eating. I'm so grateful for this family of mine (and the one I married into), the happiness they bring into my life, and that I can be with them forever. I feel overwhelmed with gratitude as I think of all that I've been blessed with. So much to be thankful for.

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