Sunday, June 9, 2013

Farewell to Cougartown

These past few weeks have been so busy with the end of my school year, moving out of our apartment, my classroom, and becoming some of America's most frequent fliers for some vacation with family. It hasn't quite hit us yet that we are no longer Provo residents. I remember visiting my older brother and sister when they went to BYU, and hearing that the mayor pronounced Provo, Cougartown on game days. Needless to say, I couldn't wait to move to this spirited city. We loved being in Provo for school and will miss all of our sweet friends. We have so many wonderful memories in this town! Farewell Cougartown! 

The last item from our empty apartment. A sign that it was "time to go." :)

1 comment:

  1. Aww!! I'm gonna miss you guys! Come back and visit soon k? (Kendra's homecoming??! Yes.)
    And keep blogging so I can keep up on your life! Love you girl!
